Modern gold miners are busy guys. They’ve got a lot of money to make, and that makes them attractive for – well, gold diggers (sorry). Take a look at Parker Schnabel, for instance. He’s one of the protagonists of the popular reality show, Gold Rush, and he’s become a popular guy with the ladies.
Looks-wise, Schnabel has been compared to Adam Driver, so it’s not all that surprising that he’s getting plenty of interest. It’s hard to tell the players without a scorecard, though, so let’s take a brief journey through Parker Schnabel’s dating life.
Ashley Youle
We’ll start with Ashley Youle. The veterinary nurse met Schnabel in Australia in 2016, and the miner generously invited Youle to spend the summer mining for gold in Alaska. What a guy!
Schnabel described her as “a really cool chick,” but their relationship quickly cooled off. Ashley appeared on the show for two seasons and left in 2018 after season eight ended. They allegedly broke up because Parker’s work took precedence over their relationship. Despite leaving the show years ago, Youle still has over 23,000 followers on Instagram.
Tyler Mahoney
In the fourth season of “Gold Rush: Parker’s Trails” the then-27 year old Parker took up with a fellow miner in Australia, and Tyler Mahoney also happened to be a model.
The 26-year old Mahoney was the star of Discovery’s “Aussie Gold Hunters” and “Gold Rush: The Dirt,” so it seemed like a golden match made in heaven, right? Sorry, not quite. The ingredients were all there, especially given that Mahoney looked a little like Youle, but rumors of romance never came to fruition.
Schnabel is reputedly shy about on-camera public displays of affection. But while he was supposedly uncomfortable kissing Youle during her time on “Gold Rush,” the rumors had them connecting off camera, which led to frantic searches of their respective social media pages by fans, who subsequently came up empty.
If all of this sounds a little bit like a reality TV version of high school, Youle’s quotes indicate that she might agree. “I have been inundated with this shit,” she said when pressed with endless Parker questions, but of course she’s doubtless aware that these kind of “did they or didn’t they?” questions help keep the spotlight on the show.
Schnabel did end up buying a claim in Australia after finishing “Gold Rush: Parker’s Trail,” which left fans hopeful that something might happen between Schnabel and Mahoney down the line.
Sheena Cowell
The latest name in Schnabel’s busy love life rumor mill is Sheena Cowell, a producer for Gold Rush. She’s a brunette who may or may not have another boyfriend right now, so maybe Schnabel will have better luck by switching hair colors this time around.
According to her IMDB profile, Cowell has also worked as part of the crew on “Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted.” Currently, she works in London as an Edit Researcher at Raw Television.